Founding, Mission, & Vision

CPLI was established in 2012 to reform laws, policies and practices that contribute to the criminalization of children in Indiana. It is one of 60 organizations in 43 states that belong to the National Youth Justice Network (NYJN). The NYJN leads a movement of state-based advocacy groups working toward a fairer youth justice system.
​Mission Statement: CPLI advocates for systemic changes for children so that policies, practices, and programs are developmentally-appropriate, equitably-administered and fair, and provide the necessary support for a child’s successful transition to adulthood.
Affiliate of the National Youth Justice Network
National Youth Justice Network unites advocates and organizations at the state and national level to create a transformational shift away from policing and prisons toward a world that prioritizes community-based, trauma-informed and healing-centered responses to youth needs.
Executive Director
Board Executive

Meisha Wide​
Program Staff

Damica Marshall
Outreach and Strategic Partnerships Associate
Program Staff
Christy Gauss
School Community Partnerships (SCP) Consultants
Gwendolyn Kelley, Ph.D.
Senior Executive Consultant
Lori Chambers
United Women in Faith
Michelle Boyden
Delta Wealth Advisors
Ashley Hogue
(Member at-large)
Purpose for Life Ministries; Concerned Clergy of Indianapolis
Calvin Roberson, Jr.
(Member at-large)
IU Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center
Teresa Baker
Former Educator, TAB (Tenacity-Ability-Brilliance) Consultants​
Jarell Blakeley
Indiana State Teachers Association
Amy Karozos
Indiana State Public Defender
Jan Nichols
Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) Indianapolis
Founder and Former President

JauNae Hanger, JD